4.28.2009 |
Like her... |
On Tuesdays I like to watch the fatties show (and usually proclaim this with 'Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties' as my facebook status...'cause I'm mature like that). So, tonight just about every other commercial break (and we know there are a lot of 'em...like FOUR during the weighing in of FIVE people) there was a stupid Mother's Day Kay Jewelers commercial. Its tagline (ok, its FIRST tagline) is, 'Like her, only gold is treasured.'
Huh? What the hell does that even mean? I am having serious problems making sense of that awkwardly constructed sentence. Sorry Dad (and kids and other family members and best friend), gold & Mom are the only things treasured? Is this in general? Is it supposed to apply to everyone? If so, gold doesn't even rank on my list of 'Things That Are Treasured'* or even 'Things That I'm Sorta Fond Of'. Gold looks terrible on me (mainly because I'm a pasty white girl and with a cool complexion and all golds/warm colors make me look nauseous and/or jaundiced) and I don't give a shit about real jewelry. I'd rather have a fake and not be scared to wear it and do something else with the jewelry money (an exotic vacation, a new car, plastic surgery, lots of booze, etc).
Really, 'Like her, only gold is treasured' makes me want to go into a Kay Jewelers and punch every single person in the store in the gonads. (Check out Sarah Haskins [the comedian, not the Olympian] for a funny take on jewelry commercials...and most other things as well.)
*Thing That Are Treasured -My ipod -Good books -Shelby Mustangs (both old and new...or old [60s] & new ['05 and newer] Mustangs in general) -Quality Vodka -Avocados -Hilarious movies -Stilettos -Man watches (and yes, I guess I am really this shallow)Labels: Grrrr |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 10:58 PM  |
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