4.28.2009 |
Like her... |
On Tuesdays I like to watch the fatties show (and usually proclaim this with 'Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties Fatties' as my facebook status...'cause I'm mature like that). So, tonight just about every other commercial break (and we know there are a lot of 'em...like FOUR during the weighing in of FIVE people) there was a stupid Mother's Day Kay Jewelers commercial. Its tagline (ok, its FIRST tagline) is, 'Like her, only gold is treasured.'
Huh? What the hell does that even mean? I am having serious problems making sense of that awkwardly constructed sentence. Sorry Dad (and kids and other family members and best friend), gold & Mom are the only things treasured? Is this in general? Is it supposed to apply to everyone? If so, gold doesn't even rank on my list of 'Things That Are Treasured'* or even 'Things That I'm Sorta Fond Of'. Gold looks terrible on me (mainly because I'm a pasty white girl and with a cool complexion and all golds/warm colors make me look nauseous and/or jaundiced) and I don't give a shit about real jewelry. I'd rather have a fake and not be scared to wear it and do something else with the jewelry money (an exotic vacation, a new car, plastic surgery, lots of booze, etc).
Really, 'Like her, only gold is treasured' makes me want to go into a Kay Jewelers and punch every single person in the store in the gonads. (Check out Sarah Haskins [the comedian, not the Olympian] for a funny take on jewelry commercials...and most other things as well.)
*Thing That Are Treasured -My ipod -Good books -Shelby Mustangs (both old and new...or old [60s] & new ['05 and newer] Mustangs in general) -Quality Vodka -Avocados -Hilarious movies -Stilettos -Man watches (and yes, I guess I am really this shallow)Labels: Grrrr |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 10:58 PM  |
4.27.2009 |
Random Random Random |
Random Aside (Heroes related): The Season Finale of 'Heroes' was on today...it was much better than I was expecting (and after 3 [4?] seasons Zachary Quinto is growing on me...I really can't explain it). BUT the sneak preview of next season showed a woman played by Ali Larter forming from a puddle on the floor and then we see a newspaper headline about a 4th drowning victim. Online articles keep saying that it is Tracy Strauss who has come back to life to kill the other people from Building 26. Uhhh...her ability just totally switched and she didn't die? Could it be that she is really Barbara, the third triplet?
Also some questions: Whatever happened to Molly Walker and that cousin of Micah's (Monica?) and all of those FBI agents from the first season and that other chick who could control electronics/digital stuff? Why did the original shapeshifter need special clothes but Sylar is able to shift the clothes too? How come Sylar can still use his telekinesis when he lost all of his other earlier abilities to the Shanti virus? How come Adam/Kensei was able to get drunk while Claire (who has the same regeneration power) is not able to do so? Argh...the lack on continuity is frustrating.Labels: Heroes |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 11:04 PM  |
4.24.2009 |
Ray La...something |
So, about 5 years ago I heard about some guy who decided to quit his job at a factory and become a musician upon hearing a Stephen Stills song. I decided to check him out, thinking that it could either be awesome or hideous yet hilarious. The first show was crowded and this rugged guy takes the stage and absolutely blew me away. The next time I saw him, the venue (Hotel Cafe) was probably at triple capacity and about 187 degrees inside due to all of the people and this guy's cd still had yet to be released.
So, I have a decent amount of this guy's music on my ipod and I was under the impression that the correct spelling of his name was Ray LaMontagne. Yesterday I realized that I have him listed twice on my ipod...once with that capital M and once with it little. So today I decide to check on Facebook 'cause the cd I still have in my possession has his name written in all caps. Log into Facebook..."Hey, Ray is at the top of my news feed and his name is spelled with a little 'm'. Oh wait, one sentence later it is spelled with the capital 'M'. Oh wait, one sentence later it is spelled with a capital 'M' and a space between the 'La' and the 'Montagne'. " My ipod (his name is Mordecai) and I really want to figure this one out because there is a slight chance that one of us is kinda OCD about stuff.
But score! There'll be a show in my area soon (although I always feel infinitely dorky at his shows...like I should be a depressed, self-destructive, reclusive whiskey drinker with questionable hygiene and I've only got two of those traits, maybe). Also, score, Ray will be on SNL tomorrow night (I think it is a repeat). But seriously, Festival of Books (including Ray Bradbury & Michael J. Fox) and then Ray LaMontagne on tv...this weekend is going to be awesome. I can only think of 3 things that could make this weekend better; a rollercoaster, beer, and making out.
And I ditched this a long time ago for Sarah Haskins stuff online. Sucks to be my blog. |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 4:27 PM  |
4.23.2009 |
Oops... |
Today I went to the mall shopping for clothes for a job interview. One of the stores was covered in signs that said something along the lines of "It's your wardrobe, make a statement." The only statement that could be made was "I'm sorry, please excuse the mess...1986 threw up on me." Really, that isn't the message I want to send to a potential employer.
Dear stores (including Sears & JCPenneys),
I know NKOTB is touring again and I know I've been feeling nostalgic and rockin' the neon colors on my nails (and I never really stopped wearing my TMNT shirt), but really??? Really?? Neon leopard print jeans? Metallic satin-esque prom dresses? Off the shoulder sweatshirts? Members Only wanna-be jackets? Yeah, I'm just going to pass on all of that (unless you guys can see to it that ALF & 'Back to the Future' shirts are being produced again...I'd be all about those).
Hoping that fall brings back plaids and peacoats, MollyLabels: NKOTB |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 9:54 PM  |
4.11.2009 |
I love you... |
I have TWO songs on my ipod that include the word 'fishsticks'. Both of which I listen to on a regular basis.
I really don't want to know what that says about me.Labels: BNL, Information Jason |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 9:12 PM  |
4.10.2009 |
I don't have the heart... |
Good lord, sometimes I even surprise myself with my stupidity. When I was little, there was a really popular song by James Ingram called 'I Don't Have the Heart'. He just sounded like the other wussy singers of the day...you know, like Michael Bolton and John Tesh and company. I was pretty surprised to find out today that he is not a pasty white guy with really questionable hair.
Whatever, that song is still obnoxious. Seriously, as a girl, I'd much rather hear "Bitch, please." Or for a more realistic take on this situation (you know, an I-Don't-Love-You-But-I'm-A-Self-Aggrandizing-Prick-And-Think-That-It'll-Break-Your-Heart-If-I-Dump-You-When-In-Reality-You'll-Probably-Be-Sort-Of-Relieved situation), please see 'Break Your Heart' by Barenaked Ladies (or check it out anyway...Steven Page is ridiculous on the vocals and by that I mean that I am completely full of awe and really can't put into words how incredible his voice is).Labels: A few fries short of a Happy Meal, BNL |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 9:54 PM  |
4.07.2009 |
Overthinking... |
So, I'm currently unemployed and not really looking for full-time work, seeing as how I'm trying to go back to college in about 2 months. Today, after contemplating part-time employment, I went to the Target website, to look and apply for jobs at the nearby store (and probably just thinking that a Target discount would be awesome). There is only one hourly position available at the Target...so I clicked to apply. The application consists of 7 parts. Part number 6 (I think) had over ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN questions. No really, seriously. Usually the answer the store is looking for is glaringly obvious. Not so with Target (at least for some of the questions). Just about all of them were absolutes. Things like 'I have thought of doing something illegal at some point in my life'. Um, hasn't everyone done more than think about something illegal?? That question is both so vague and so specific at the same time, I was completely unable to figure out what they wanted. Do I lie and say 'No' because obviously they only want honest employees? Or do I say 'Yes', because obviously everyone capable of thought has contemplated doing something illegal? (I took the honest route and clicked 'Yes' because I am far from being a good girl and if asked that question in person there is absolutely no way I could say 'No' and keep a straight face.)
Also, of the 3,897 strongly-disagree/uncertain/strongly-agree style questions about 1/3 of them were about curiosity and/or wondering what was going on in other people's heads. No idea what they were after, but since I'd already answered 'Psychology' when asked about my college major, I pretty much had to mark that I totally analyze everyone and am curious and into freak-shows and human train wrecks (both of which I may very well be...especially since I was a psych student, because everyone knows that all psych students are batshit crazy [for reals]).
FYI: Walmart has a 65 question test. Really? Really? The folks who work at Walmart had to pass a test? With 65 questions on it? With multiple choice answers? Maybe my Walmart has some loopholes or something. Or maybe you just have to finish the test...you don't have to get any answers correct, they are just making sure you can stick with a task for about 13 minutes.
Ugh...looking for a job sucks. Then again, so does being poor (although the song 'Po Folks' by Nappy Roots is awesome, also, I used to own at least 2 of their cds but no longer do. How does that happen? I don't remember lending them out or anything.) |
posted by spaghettistreetwalker @ 10:35 PM  |
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